I hate that the press blurb on the back of my advance copy says, "
The Time Traveler's Wife meets
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo." Those kinds of comparisons are silly and usually wrong. That being said,
The Shining Girls feels like a cross between
Cloud Atlas and
Silence of the Lambs. I guess even I can't help the needless comparisons.
What drew me into the book immediately was the writing (even though my ARC was a little choppy) and the way Lauren Beukes kept me turning pages to try and figure out how this was all going to turn out. Harper makes quite a menacing serial killer, and his ability to jump into different eras, just by opening a door add to the thrill.
I was not a fan of the Dragon Tattoo series. I read the first in the trilogy and thought it was ridiculous,
not feminist in any way, and at times downright tedious. In young Kirby Mazrachi, the female survivor of Harper's attacks, we have a heroine that will kick ass and take names later.
As I hurriedly turned pages towards the end of
Shining Girls, I wondered how Ms. Beukes would end this chronologically entangled murder mystery, and I was quite pleased with her enigmatic, yet satisfying conclusion.