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The Last Girlfriend on Earth: And Other Love Stories
Simon Rich
The Dog Stars
Peter Heller


I am 125 pages into the 600 page biography of Joe Strummer, Redemption Song. I've always been a fan of The Clash, and Joe Strummer in particular. One of my few cherished material objects is a Kurt Vonnegut paperback, signed by the members of The Clash. I've had Redemption Song in my library since its release in 2006. As I semi-promised myself at the beginning of the year, I'm determined to read books from my library that I've had for years. The Strummer bio certainly falls into that category, and the length of the book makes it definitive, including friends and relatives revealing how Joe didn't like to wash or brush his teeth. I'm determined to stick with the book, because I do want to read it, and there' s no reason to put it back down now. I'm already peering at other titles that I might read next though, and they're all short!